For decades, a majority of men have discovered the many benefits of weight lifting for getting in shape and ensuring one?s overall health. However, very few women have yet to start strength training.
Golds gym, and their iconic mens gym clothing range, is one of the most enduring brands in fitness. Today, there are over 700 Golds gyms worldwide, and the logo of a big, bald, muscular guy holding a bending barbell is world famous and instantly recognizable.
Lots of people are health conscious nowadays and want to maximize their health via correct diet and exercise. One of the most used tools in the goal to become healthy are protein shakes, especially with bodybuilders and athletes. However many of these people do not know exactly what they are doing to their body by eating many grams of highly processed protein powder every day.
Believe it or not, a healthy lifestyle doesn?t have to be difficult or complicated. All you have to do is pick up a few small, positive habits that you can actually stick to, as consistency is an important part of being fit and healthy.
We all know gym goers consume supplements in the form of protein shakes and bars to bulk up, but what exactly are the benefits? Follow our ultimate guide to protein to find out exactly if/when should you consume them.
Do you feel tired all the time? Are your joints sore? Do you feel weaker than normal? Have you stopped making progress in the gym? Have you lost your training mojo?
Working out on a regular basis is beneficial by itself, but believe it or not, according to recent studies, working out with your romantic partner brings you into a whole new field of benefits.
The festive period is fast approaching ? it?s a time to relax, spend time with friends and family, and enjoy some seasonal food and beverages. But, if you are into your fitness, it can also be the time that derails your training, upsets your diet, and leads to fat gain.