As we move in to spring time the majority of us start turning our attention away from bulking and on to cutting; in order to look our best in a pair of shorts during the summer months.
Balance is very important in any sort of fitness training and certainly when it comes to bodybuilding. Most of us are aware just how wrong it looks for someone to have a hugely developed upper body and legs that have been starved of workouts
People lead all sorts of schedules and lifestyles and when things get particularly hectic it is not so easy to set aside a lot of time to get to the gym.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is two-for-two this week when it comes to trying on new personas (and wigs). In another hilarious turn, Arnold goes "undercover" as Howard, a trainer-turned-regional manager at Gold's Gym in Venice Beach in which he surprises unwitting gym-goers with motivation and training advice.
Everyone who works out on a regular basis has a different level of cardio they like to include in their. There are some who dedicate most or all of their routine to it, whereas others prefer to mix it in with their weight training.
In society as a whole, prehistoric attitudes are constantly being challenged and this includes the view held by many that women should not get into the world of bodybuilding.