Whenever you set about a workout in the gym there is much more than just the activity itself to consider. Preparation is vitally important and this is not only in the hours leading up to your session. Nutrition plays an extremely significant role at all times and it is also necessary to make sure you have the right kind of equipment to help you reach your targets. Gym clothing has become big business in its own right and one of the most reputable brands out there is GASP.
Nordic roots
You may well have seen more and more people kitting themselves out in GASP gear and the camouflage designs are particularly distinctive. Along with Better Bodies, GASP is a brand that comes under the control of Swedish Fitness, a company with offices in Stockholm and Dallas. Swedish Fitness have been immersed in the bodybuilding and fitness sectors for more than two decades and their knowledge of such communities is reflected in the GASP apparel on offer.
Ready for action
With so much competition out there when it comes to gym clothing nowadays, any brand in the market has to be clear on what it brings to the table. GASP prides itself on providing products that are specifically designed to aid heavy and successful workouts. The target market is the most committed of gym users and the brand’s development team have worked closely with some of the top athletes in the world.
As would be expected, there are numerous vests and tank tops available that are ideal for all those hours of training. The product range from GASP is extensive though, and you can find all sorts of clothing and other accessories for both inside and outside the gym. Whether you need wrist and knee straps for specific lifts in your routine or if you need some track pants or shorts to work your way through a few miles, GASP have it. Besides training belts, bags, water bottles and all the other necessities, there is a variety of products for everyday life. GASP’s jeans, jackets and denim shirts make great additions to any wardrobe.
Where can you find GASP clothing?
The availability of GASP products has certainly widened in recent years and there are now over 40 retailers that can be found in locations all around the world. There are outlets in North and South America, Asia, Australia and in various European countries. As one of the brand’s UK retailers, Anax Fitness has a high-quality range to select from.
Brand endorser
While GASP quite clearly likes to aim its products towards dedicated athletes and gym attendees, the good news is that you do not have to be at an elite level to look good and feel comfortable. You certainly don’t have to be in quite the same shape as the man who endorses GASP clothing – IFBB professional bodybuilder Branch Warren.
Warren is a 38-year-old who stands at just 5 foot 6 (1.70m) but weighs over 20 stone (128kg). The Texan is known in the bodybuilding world for having had success in a number of renowned competitions. Among those he has competed and triumphed in are the Europa Supershow in 2005, the Arnold Classic in 2011 and 2012, and the British Grand Prix in 2011.
Training at Arlington’s Metroflex Gym alongside fellow pro Johnnie O. Jackson, Warren has built a considerable reputation since finishing in 1st place in the AAU Teenage Mr America, Short and Overall back in 1992. He is also married to another IFBB competitor, Trish Warren, and has the nickname ‘Quadrasaurus’!
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