We have all done it. You go to the gym and forget to place your gym clothing in the washer. It is not uncommon to wear gym clothes more than once. Many of us do not realize there is anything wrong with wearing our sweaty clothing more than once. You are going to sweat in them again, so what is the harm? Actually, this tactic is more dangerous than you might think. Here are just a few reasons why you should always wash your gym clothes between all workouts without fail.
Bacteria is a Problem
You may be under the impression that because you eat well and have a healthy lifestyle, your sweat does not really stink. Initially, your sweat might not smell foul, but rest assured there is bacteria in every drop of sweat that leaks into the fabric of your gym clothes. This bacteria is easily cleaned during a regular wash cycle, but when the clothes are allowed to sit in the heat for an extended period of time or even in a cooler environment, that bacteria grows and begins to smell. Your gym clothes will develop a smell and that odor can be difficult to eliminate once it is established into the fabric.
The smell is not the only thing to worry about when it comes to bacteria. Yes, it can cause a very foul smell, but the odor comes from bacteria growing in a moist, warm environment. Our bodies have a natural scent to them that is generally pleasant, but when our natural musk mixes with bacteria, infections can arise.
Allowing bacteria to remain on your skin and grow can quickly land you in a harmful situation. Bacteria on the skin can be of some concern, but in the event the skin is broken or the bacteria finds its way into one of the bodys many orifices, a bacteria infection can quickly become a problem. Bacteria infections can sometimes be contended with through antibiotic regimens, but on occasion, the patient must be admitted into the hospital in order to get a handle on the infection. It is best to just wash your gym clothes every time and avoid the possibility of a bacterial infection arising.
Skin Concerns
A bacteria infection can be a devastating possibility with a lot of complications, but skin conditions can also happen due to not washing gym clothes. Skin infections from allowing sweat and bacteria to remain on the body, especially during the colder months, can cause the skin to crack, peel, and become highly irritated. Doctors recommend showering within an hour of finishing your workout session and yes, washing your gym clothes, to avoid the potential for irritation to the skin in all seasons. Some more sensitive individuals can be prone to an increase of possible infection, so if you have naturally sensitive skin, never skip the shower and always wash your gym clothes.
Transfer of Bacteria
Your skin and body are not the only place that can be prone to bacteria. Generally speaking, it is recommended that anyone who works out showers directly after their session at the gym and change out their clothes immediately. This is by far the best way to remain healthy, but it goes far beyond the health of your body. Bacteria from sweaty gym clothes can transfer to your vehicles seat fabric, your furnishings, at home, and anywhere else you decide to touch before showering. You do not want to be responsible for giving one of your family members of friends a bacteria infection just because you did not wash your gym clothes.
Sweat More, Clean More
Your body sweats in some capacity every day. Generally speaking, you are not going to sweat much during your everyday activities. That is primarily the reason that your average clothing does not develop a smell or breed bacteria. It is perfectly fine to wear a pair of everyday pants more than once between washing them. It protects the fabric. Gym clothes are a whole different animal. You are going to sweat and that sweat, as stated before, builds up, so if you sweat more, you will have to clean more.
It is understandable that after a huge session at the gym your body can be tired. All you want to do is rest and relax and those gym clothes can simply be thrown in the laundry hamper and forgotten about. However, you should never neglect the need to clean your gym clothes between each session. Cleaning your gym wear is the best way to guard against the potential for infection and keep you and everyone around you safe. So, make your way to the laundry room and start a load of gym clothes before you head back out to the gym. Besides, no one wants to be known as the stinky guy or girl at the gym.
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