We all know gym goers consume supplements in the form of protein shakes and bars to bulk up, but what exactly are the benefits? Follow our ultimate guide to protein to find out exactly if/when should you consume them.
How much protein do you need to consume daily?
We all know that a balanced diet includes fruits and vegetables, carbohydrates, dairy, fats and proteins. Live Science defines protein as “a macronutrient that is essential to building muscle mass”, but exactly how much protein should you be eating for a healthy lifestyle? There is a simple way to work out exactly how much protein you personally need:
Weight in Kgs x 0.8 = how much protein you should be eating (in grams)
This calculation will tell you exactly how much protein you should be eating to maintain muscle mass. However, if you do 1 hour of moderate to vigorous exercise several days a week, the required amount increases. If your workouts are endurance based, such as swimming and running, you will need to consume around 1.2 to 1.4 grams of protein per Kg of bodyweight on the days you exercise. For those who do more strength based training, such as weightlifting, you will need to consume around 1.4 to 2 grams of protein per Kg of body weight. Consuming protein after a workout is very important to help muscles recover and grow.
When should you be using protein supplements?
Most of us don’t need to use protein supplements and can consume enough from a well-balanced diet. Before considering protein supplements, focus on whole foods. BBC Good Food has published an article of foods with a high-protein content that you could follow.
However, if you need to consume more protein because you are exercising regularly, you can use supplements to help you reach the recommended amount. If you are sore, tired or extra hungry the day after your workout, this is a sign you are not consuming enough protein.
What are the benefits of protein shakes and bars?
Protein shakes and bars are popular because of their convenience and can be eaten on the go, before and after your workout. Depending on the supplement you purchase, they can often also be cheaper than buying expensive meat and fish. What is more, they are good for vegans who are struggling to consume enough protein from plant sources.
When should you consume protein shakes and bars?
When consuming a pre-workout protein shake or bar, they will be most effective if consumed half an hour before the workout. If you consume one too early, you won’t see any benefits. The best type of post-workout protein is one with a high proportion of whey protein such as Ascent Protein Whey. This is filtered directly from high-quality milk, contains no artificial ingredients and is a quick-digesting protein.
Remember, that protein will not do all the work for you and you still need work hard to see results.