Its often said that just 8% of people stick to their New Years resolutions. Sure, you might feel super motivated right now in the first flush of January. Youre certain that this WILL be the year youll hit the treadmill daily, fit in a 30 minute yoga session every morning and kick the carbs for good.
But what about in February when reality dawns, you remember you hate getting up early to go for a run and youd rather have a side of chips than yet another portion of brown rice or quinoa? The key to being successful and sticking to your fitness goals is to be realistic. If youre serious that 2018 is the year youll eat clean, never skip leg day and shed that annoying half a stone that just wont budge, read on for our New Years cheat sheet. This is how to set fitness goals that youll actually stick to.
#1: Ditch the all or nothing mentality
Its easy to get carried away with enthusiasm when it comes to setting fitness goals. The New Year is a great motivator for making a new start but be honest, will you really be running a marathon by the summer if you struggle to run for the bus at the moment?
Making sweeping lifestyle changes undermines your ability to stick to your objectives. The reality is most of us simply cant sustain a total change for long. Set yourself up for success by ditching the all-or-nothing mentality and focusing in on smaller more achievable goals instead.
#2: Be specific
Identifying a specific area where you want to see improvements can help you to stick to your resolve. Rather than saying I want to be fitter think about what that really means to you. Do you want to finish a 5k run? Make it to two boxercise classes a week? Lift a certain weight? Harvard Medical School lecturer Dr Marcelo Campos says your goals should be specific, achievable and measureable.
#3: Plan
You know the old saying, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. This holds true for resolutions too. If you want to get fitter by going to more classes at the gym, get hold of the new timetable and identify which classes best suit your schedule. If you want to make changes to your diet, such as cutting out red meat or eating more veggies, research a few easy recipes that you can prep ahead or buy a blender so its easier to whip up a post-workout smoothie.
#4: Be accountable
If youve identified a fitness goal that you really want to stick to, you need to be accountable. Share your resolutions on social media or find a work out buddy. This is a great way to motivate you to stay on track.
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